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Do You Believe God Can Do It?

Rooting Out Unbelief and Learning How to Increase Your Faith

Do you believe God can do it? Not just in general, not in biblical times, not for somebody else, but do you believe God can do it for you?

I was praying about something this morning and almost immediately God sent the answer in the form of a sermon. I was so encouraged! Then on my way to work I started thinking. I said, "Now when I pray for encouragement it seems like almost immediately God responds, but when I pray for some other things it feels like it takes a little bit longer. He's the same God, so I know if He can do it instantly in one case, He can do it instantly in another."

As I continued thinking about that, part of a verse came to my mind - "according to the power at work within us." When I got to work, I found the verse, and I read the full passage. It's Ephesians 3: 20- 21 King James Version.

"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen."

It made me check myself a bit, and think about what is causing unbelief in me.

I asked myself, "What is causing me to doubt what God can do? What is causing me not to move in full confidence that God will come through?"

My response? I prayed another verse back to God, "Lord increase my faith."

It's such a simple verse, but the surrender and invitation it holds are powerful. At that moment I started to pray.

"Lord, increase my faith so the things that I'm praying for, the things that I'm believing you for in business, the things that I'm believing you for mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically, in my family, with my friends - increase my faith. God don't let my doubt limit what you will do, because the verse says you will move according to the power that worketh in us."

That means that God will do what our faith invites Him to do. He's waiting to do abundantly, exceedingly above everything that we could ask think or imagine, but He needs us to believe.

Remember, He says if we're lukewarm He'll spit us out (Revelation 3: 15-16). God wants us to be all in.

So if there's a place in your business, if there's a place in your life, in your family, with your health, whatever the area is, where your faith seems to be waning, or seems to be a little bit weak, or it seems like God is only doing a fraction of what you know He can, check your faith.

Ask yourself, "How is the power at work within me? Am I fully surrendered to God? Am I fully submitted to His Will? Am I fully trusting that He can do it? Do I believe that God can do it for me right now, as long as what I'm praying is in line with His Will?

If you find any doubt, if you find any lack in your faith, simply ask Him to increase it.

Remember that God will do what we invite Him to do. He's not a bully; He's a gentleman, and He loves an invitation to be a part of the most intimate parts of our lives.

He is waiting to bless us. He is waiting to step in. He is waiting to perform miracles, but it's in proximity, and direct proportion, to our faith.

So do you believe God can do it? Do you believe God can do it for you?

I hope this encourages you to Dream BIG again. Trust that if God put it in your heart, if He's calling you to it, He will bring it to pass.

He will perform it, but you have to believe. Ask with boldness in your faith that He will do it, and belive that it's a foregone conclusion. Trust that it's already in process.

We have to believe it to give Him license to release it in full into our life, because He's not going give us something we're not fully ready for, or we're not hopefully, expectantly waiting to receive.

God needs us to do our part so that He can joyfully do His. He's calling us to Dream Big again.

Let's make Him proud.


Dr. Lorin R. Carter


For More On How To Navigate Your Journey As A Christian CEO:


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