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Happy International Women's Day!

Why is this day important? Keep reading to find out why!

Ever wondered why women lead the charge in establishing new small businesses? One reason is because they’re paid a fraction of the salary that their male, especially white male, counterparts receive in corporate America (including finance, education, services, etc.). The current pay comparison is $0.81, $0.64, and $0.55 for white, Black, and Hispanic women compared to every $1.00 earned by their white male counterparts. (Forbes, March 2024)

So the surge to small business ownership, while laudable, and to be celebrated, also indicates a deep disparity and inefficiency in the marketplace.

Small business ownership is a way that women, especially women of color, are taking back control of their economic mobility, creating freedom for their families, and establishing harmony between their personal lives and the impact they want to make.

So today we celebrate you - the full-time entrepreneur, the 9-5preneur, the wantrepreneur. The sacrifices you make to bet on yourself. The leap of faith it takes to do something new. The grit needed to keep going when the path has a lot more curves and detours than expected. The creativity required to take an idea and create a service, product, or event that can meet a need and help make the lives of others better. The selflessness needed to help others climb as you navigate your own path forward.

We see you (all of you), and we need you, your expertise, insight, and skill now more than ever! Your unique perspective is what's missing to move the needle in your industry. Today is a reminder to take up space, make your voice heard, and trust the God has given you all you need to make a difference where you are right now. Start there and watch Him blow your mind as He brings the vision in your heart to life.

So keep climbing, keep growing, keep building, keep going! We’ll keep cheering you on and providing the strategy, scripture, and support you need to start, sustain, and scale your business in a way that makes your growth feel good!

Cheers to you! 👏🏽🎊

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